RIP Challenge wrap-up

R.I.P. IV was every bit as awesome as I was expecting it to be.  I surprised myself by reading six books instead of the two I had planned on reading.  Here’s my completed list:

1. The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins review

2.  Blindness – Jose Saramago review

3.  In the Woods – Tana French review

4. Sworn to Silence – Linda Castillo review

5.  Haunting Bombay – Shilpa Agarwal review

6.  The Likeness – Tana French

I haven’t exactly finished The Likeness yet, but I’m going to go ahead and count it since I only have 50 pages left and I plan to finish it before midnight tonight.  So it counts. 🙂

The best book: They were almost all amazing, but I think if I had to choose I’d say Blindness.  It truly blew me away, to a degree that none of the others were able to do.
Any new authors? Yes, they were all new-to-me authors, obviously except for the second book by Tana French. 🙂
Least favorite of the bunch: Haunting Bombay.  I liked it, came nowhere near loving it.
What did I learn from this challenge? I like these genres more than I thought!  And I have plenty more on my TBR list where these came from, which excites me. 🙂

5 thoughts on “RIP Challenge wrap-up”

  1. I am number 290374827837 to receive Blindness from the library and I am SOOO excited. I’ll have to go read your review 😀

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