East of Eden by John Steinbeck

Title:  East of Eden
Author:  John Steinbeck
Release date:  1952
Publisher:  Viking Adult
Pages:  608
Genre:  Classic literature, fiction, family saga
Source:  Personal copy

East of Eden is one of my very favorite books.  (This was a reread for me.)  I can’t even summarize it for you because the book is so much better than its plot.  Really, I normally don’t say things like that but in this case, it’s true.  If I read the summary of this book I don’t think I’d be interested in reading it, but trust me, East of Eden is beyond fabulous.

I don’t normally gush about the writing in a novel, but I will make an exception for this one.  Steinbeck has the most beautiful, descriptive prose in East of Eden that I think I’ve ever seen.  This book will suck you in from the first chapter based on the writing alone.  In addition to the writing, the novel contains some seriously awesome characters.  They are believable, deep, realistic, and they will absolutely win you over.  There are so many layers to many of these characters, you will hardly believe it until you read it yourself.

I am not a person who enjoys reading “the classics”.  I wish I did, but I don’t end up enjoying most of the ones I read. East of Eden, however, is an amazing book and it’s one of those novels I truly believe everyone should read.  I’m thrilled that I gave myself the opportunity to reread this beautiful book and I highly recommend it.

17 thoughts on “East of Eden by John Steinbeck”

    1. I LOVED THIS BOOK could not put it down-I felt like I knew the characters personally AND could visualize the settings with clarity. I have reread this book several times.

  1. I read this my senior year of high school (not for class) and loved it too! I really need to reread it; I’m reading Grapes of Wrath for first time this month, maybe I’ll do a little Steinbeck mini-marathon.

  2. You know, I really didn’t like The Pearl or The Grapes of Wrath when I read them in school, and so I think I just… don’t like Steinbeck. But people have been raving about this book so much! I feel like I should just give him another whirl.

  3. I think I read Grapes of Wrath in school, but don’t remember anything about it. I really should read some Steinbeck soon. This one sounds like a good choice – thank you!

  4. At school I read Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and really loved it, have been looking out to see if anyone had some Steinbeck recommendations. Thank you will definitely have to add this to my TBR list.

  5. I read it a few years ago, and it made a pretty strong impression. Up to that point my favorite Steinbeck novel had been Grapes of Wrath, but now I’m not sure which I like better, because East of Eden was so good!

  6. I’ve been known to run for the hills when Steinbeck is around. I think it was the dusty dustiness of the Grapes of Wrath. Perhaps I’ll have to give this one a shot. 🙂

  7. I’ve read very little Steinbeck–and not his biggies–this one or The Grapes of Wrath. I really do need to remedy that and I can see this is a good place to start.

  8. This is my one of my boss’s favourite books, so it’s on my ‘To Be Read’ list for this year. I always love hearing about other people’s favourite books. Book make people so honest and passionate in a way that other things don’t.

  9. You’ve made me curious about this book. The only Steinbeck I’ve read is The Pastures of Heaven. I don’t remember the specifics, since I read it in college, but I remember that I really liked it. I’m adding this one to my to-read (some day) list.

  10. I liked Steinbeck’s writing in Grapes of Wrath but overall I thought the book was sort of preachy. I keep slightly wanting to try more Steinbeck but fearing more preachiness. :/

  11. Glad you were able to read it. Last summer i reached half way and have not been able to complete it since. That’s why i added it to my Bucket List Reading Challenge

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