Six Random Things About Me

Ok, I was tagged for this one by Trish, so here goes… six random things about me…

1.  I have a group of girlfriends that I’ve been friends with since 7th grade (we are all 23 or 24 now).  We consider each other one anothers’ best friends, although after middle school we went to two different high schools between the six of us, then five different colleges (one of the girls and I went to the same school), and now we live in four different states.  We are still really close friends even though our lives have taken six completely different paths.

2.  I am married, but we don’t have any kids yet and aren’t planning to for at least another 4-5 years.  That said, my younger sister has a 7 month old daughter, and I am basically obsessed with her.  I love my niece like you couldn’t believe.  It’s actually kind of nice that I don’t have kids of my own yet so I can really give her time and attention and spoil the heck out of her. 🙂

3.  I put myself through college by waiting tables and bartending.  Working in the restaurant business is crazy like none other, it is some of the most fun I’ve had in my life in addition to some of the most stressful days/nights/hours/minutes of my life.  I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with that kind of unpredictability anymore, but sometimes I really miss doing it and seriously consider getting a part time bartending job just for the heck of it.

4.  I love burritos from Chipotle (if you don’t have Chipotle in your part of the country, I am sad for you).  It is probably my favorite food in the entire world.  I could easily eat one every day and still crave them.  I also like Qdoba but I’m not sure I like it quite as much.

5.  I hate, hate, HATE winter.  I hate snow, I hate ice, I hate any temperature below 45 degrees. I live in Chicago, and if you are from or live near this part of the country, you know that winters are cold, windy, and LONG.  In fact, it’s May 8th as I type this and the temperature was only about 50 degrees today.  I get super depressed in February/March and as soon as it starts to get warm, there is a noticable change in my personality.  My husband and I would one day like to move to Miami (or someplace else equally beautiful and warm) and every winter I just think of the fact that one day, I won’t have to deal with this crap anymore.

6.  I got my bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology, and currently I work as a Personal Banker at a large financial institution.  Not exactly my dream job, or anything even remotely close to what I had planned on doing with my life, but for now it simply pays the bills (and pays them pretty well, too, actually).  Eventually I’d like to go back to school and get my master’s in Social Work, but for now it’s just not economically feasible.

Well now you all know a little bit more about me!  I’ll go ahead and tag a few people for this meme, but if you don’t feel like playing, no hard feelings… I’ll get over it.

Sooo… Teale from Teale’s Meals, Lisa from Books on the Brain, Kristen from Book Club Classics, Sadie-Jean from Sadie-Jean’s Book Blog, and Wendy at caribousmom, consider yourselves tagged!

Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person that tagged you
  • Post the rules somewhere in your meme
  • Write the six random things
  • Tag six people in your post
  • Let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog
  • Let the tagger know your entry is posted

12 thoughts on “Six Random Things About Me”

  1. This is hands down the best post I’ve seen yet on this meme. Loved it loved it loved it.

    By the way, I love your new “look”. Very nice. *nodding head in approval*

  2. Great post! Thanks for tagging me. Not sure if I will get to it, though!! We’ll see.

    I lived in Michigan until age 20 and I also HATE being cold! That’s why I live in Southern California now!

  3. I really like burritos from Chipotle too, but Freebirds is hands-down my favorite. I think they are only in Texas though. I enjoyed reading your six things!

  4. It’s funny, but I was just in Chicago this week. I live in Peoria, so it’s not that far. But as much as I hate Illinois in the winter, I do love the City!!

  5. My husband is from the Chicago area, so we drive up there a lot to visit his family. We now live in Cincinnati. I LOVE Chicago, but we’re always shocked by how much worse the weather is up there from here. We can leave home and it’s 70 degrees and sunny and arrive to snowy, 30-degree weather–in MAY (okay, that may be an exaggeration, but not by much!). It’s crazy. All that to say–I feel for you, living there if you don’t like winter!

    This is a fun blog. Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment so I could find you. I was an English major and am basically obsessed with books (houses aren’t the only things I’m hooked on), so I love this kind of stuff. -Julia 🙂

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