The Sunday Salon + Winner of Crush

Happy Sunday everyone! I am looking forward to a day of blogging and reading, hopefully with some pool time sprinkled in there. My main goal is to get a bunch of posts written for this week, as it’s Audiobook Week over at Devourer of Books, and you know how I love my audiobooks. I also have two book tour commitments this week, so look forward to reviews of two books I really enjoyed.

Yesterday was my 4-year wedding anniversary, so hubby and I went out to a super nice dinner at Emeril’s at Citywalk. Everything was delicious and somehow I ended up with two free drinks, which was a nice bonus. The service was outstanding and the food was really awesome. I would definitely recommend it, but it’s not something in most people’s price ranges for an ordinary evening out. Just for a really, really special occasion (at least for us!).

With all of the anniversary excitement yesterday, I forgot to post the winner of Crush by Andrea Richesin. After reading all of your crush stories, I decided that Meg of Write Meg! is the winner! Here’s her story:

Oh, crushes.

My very first one was on a golden-haired boy named Daniel, and let me tell you: I was in love. When I wasn’t devising ways to get my mom to call his mom for the spelling words I had “conveniently misplaced,” I was stalking the poor kid around the playground and willing him to notice me as the true object of his affection.

I was six.

We were in school together for years — and my love for him only grew stronger as the years went on. On Valentine’s Day in second grade, I decided to go bold or go home and chose a Barbie card for him emblazoned with the words “I love you.”

I can’t say my feelings were returned.

Though we parted ways after elementary school, it’s hard to forget that heady feeling of your first real crush — even as a kid; even when you don’t know what love is. I ran into him years later, walking through the mall as a teen; he wasn’t as cute as I remembered. But that fellow second-grader is imprinted in my mind forever!

So, congrats, MEG! I will be emailing you shortly to get your mailing address.

So what’s everyone up to this Sunday?